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How can I help you?

I can support you with all kinds of development tasks, be it concepts and architecture, technology or concrete implementation (aka programming and coding). I consider myself a language agnostic, offering software development in C#, Delphi, Go, Java or JavaScript. I can also support you in setting up a development environment with a version control system and build server. My main tools of choice are open source tools running on Linux and Windows.

If you require an experienced, short-term team leader, because you either build up a new team from scratch or need to bridge bottlenecks, I can also stand in as a temporary development or project lead. As a software developer and system administrator, I can help you overcome the gap between your operation and development teams.

I am able to provide assistance in setting up physical or virtual Linux networks or Microsoft Windows environments. Further areas in which I can offer help are creating new or migrating existing Microsoft Windows domains, Linux services or virtualization. I minimize access to physical or cloud-based machines using Infrastructure as Code and automation.

I am best if I love what I do. So check out my “Tech Radar” below or browse my blog and find out what bakes my noodle to see if it matches your needs.